Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Use of Hypnosis for Anxiety Treatment

Statistics show that approximately five percent of the population suffers from anxiety and anxiety related problems. Anxiety is a state of mind where there is a predominant feeling of unrest and hyperactivity, accompanied with panic at times.

Generally speaking, anxiety is the feeling you get just before a big exam or a job interview or at times just before getting married! But when the same feeling of anxiousness is present in everyday life so much so that normal functioning is hampered, a diagnosis of anxiety can be made. Anxiety is recognized by its physiological symptoms, such as heart palpitations, rapid breathing and, at times, a feeling of nausea.

Hypnosis for anxiety is one of the most recommended paths of treatment, since hypnosis is the best known anti-anxiety agent. The major theme of hypnosis is relaxation and achieving a state of calmness. Also, hypnosis is a form of therapy that relies on reaching the root cause of the disorder in order to treat it.

Hypnosis for Anxiety: How it works
Hypnosis for anxiety works on two levels, the analytical level and the behavioral level. The basic premise of hypnotherapy is to explore the subconscious for the hidden cause of the disorder and then to alter behavior through suggestion.

Analytical Approach
The analytical approach of hypnosis for anxiety works on the premise that the cause of the anxiety is deeply rooted in the psyche and can be approached and explored within the subconscious while in a state of deep trance. The therapist guides the patient through the series of steps that will induce a state of trance, and once the patient has achieved the trance state, the therapist starts questioning the patient. The questioning process is a delicate one and the therapist is careful about the kind of questions that are asked. This explorative method allows the patient to be exposed to his own fears and causes of anxiety, and as a consequence, to face and deal with them.

Behavioral Approach: The behavioral approach is also called the suggestion approach because it uses post hypnotic suggestions. This hypnosis for anxiety approach is generally employed as the second step in severe cases once the cause for the anxiety is uncovered by the therapist and the patient. Suggestions are given to help the patient deal with situations that have the potential to induce anxiety. Using this method of hypnosis for anxiety is helpful as step one in mild cases of anxiety.

Apart from the two hypnosis approaches mentioned above, the therapist also introduces the client to self hypnosis to help the patient deal with any anxiety attacks that might occur before the patient is fully equipped to deal with it on his or her own. Self hypnosis is a series of steps that the therapist teaches the client that help in relaxation. Since anxiety is a state of hyperactivity, the knowledge of how to relax is a helpful tool for any patient.

Hypnosis for anxiety works better than traditional psychiatric medication, since anti anxiety medications only result in numbing the person completely. They are a temporary solution to anxiety and are often addictive and might result in doing more harm than good.

Monday, June 24, 2013

How Natural Remedies for Menopause Can Help

Menopause is experienced by women around the age of 42 to 55 years. The average age of onset of menopause is about 50 years, and the transition can last for up to five years. Menopause is essentially the phase in a woman’s life when the ovaries cease to function, signifying the end of the reproductive years. Since menopause is a result of a decrease in the production of the female sex hormones, there is an ensuing hormone starvation in the body, which leads to myriad symptoms.

The decrease in the production of the female hormone, estrogen, can result in an increase in the risk of heart disease, vaginal problems and osteoporosis. The symptoms are, therefore, of a varying nature. Symptoms include hot flashes, backaches, bladder problems, insomnia, dizziness, mental instability, headaches, heart palpitations, dryness and aging of the skin, shortness of breath, irritability and disturbances in calcium metabolism.

The usual course of action for treatment has been hormone replacement therapy. This therapy has, however, received criticism after studies have linked it to increased risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, stroke and blot clots. This is why natural remedies for menopause have witnessed increasing adoption. Natural options are equally effective as well as safer. Natural remedies for menopause might, however, require certain dietary precautions and changes.

Five Natural Remedies for Menopause Natural remedies for menopause can be taken along with the usual synthetic hormone replacement therapy, and can even help reduce the course of strong medications. They are easily available and have proven to be extremely helpful.

  1. Vitamins: Vitamin E is the most essential vitamin in this phase, and simply must be taken. It is commonly found in almonds, hazelnuts, spinach, mangoes and olives. Along with Vitamin E, Vitamin C and B complex must also be taken. Capillary strength is maintained with the intake of Vitamin C, along with bioflavonoids.
  2. Calcium: Calcium is found in milk and milk products. It is one of the important natural remedies for menopause. Since the risk of osteoporosis increases, calcium intake is a must to maintain the calcium-phosphorous balance of the body.
  3. Protein: Proteins are an important part of a menopausal woman’s diet. The intake of protein should be increased, with a concomitant decrease in carbohydrate intake.
  4. Fruits and Vegetables: Raw food is one of the natural remedies for menopause that is often ignored but can prove to be extremely helpful. Juices, brewer’s yeast, kelp and cold pressed vegetables must be taken. Nearly 50% of the diet should be in the form of raw food.
  5. Exercise: An effective way to deal with menopause, along with natural remedies for menopause, is exercise. One must exercise and get sufficient amount of rest along with it. This helps in dealing with the stress as well as the insomnia.

Apart from these natural remedies for menopause, there are certain things that should be avoided during this time. Alcohol, caffeine, sugar and spicy foods should be avoided completely. They can make the mood swings worse and hard to deal with. They also increase the acidity in the blood, which in turn results in increased calcium absorption. Increased calcium absorption can lead to a lack of calcium in the bones. Menopause sounds like a scary time for any woman, but with the right treatment and care, it can be a breeze.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Top 5 Natural Asthma Treatment Methods

According to a survey by the Asthma Society of Ireland and Allen & Hanburys, asthma impacts one’s quality of life significantly. Asthma symptoms caused 55% patients to wake up at night, while 73% experienced some limitation in activities due to the condition.

A respiratory problem, asthma cases have been rapidly increasing due to increasing levels of environmental toxins and pollution. While traditional medicine helps reduce symptoms and provides relief temporarily, it is not without side effects. So, experts have been developing natural asthma treatment methods that result in long-term elimination of symptoms, and the frequency and progression of the condition.

Top 5 Natural Asthma Treatment Methods
Here are some effective natural asthma treatment methods:

  • Diet: Diet plays an important role in preventing and curing asthma; as they say, "we are what we eat". So, some foods may alleviate asthma symptoms, while others aggravate them. Food allergies also have a big role in triggering asthma attacks. So, it is important to determine the foods that you are allergic to and eliminate them from the diet. Some foods that aggravate asthma include those containing preservatives, high salt and saturated fat and dairy products (it is important to replace dairy products with other calcium supplements). These cause inflammation in the body, aggravating asthma symptoms. Hence, asthmatics should preferably avoid red meats, egg yolks, milk, cheese, butter, shellfish, artificial sweeteners and food colors.
  • Foods that alleviate asthma symptoms include omega-3 fatty acids, fruit and vegetables. These foods reduce inflammation, enhance lung function and relieve symptoms. At least three to five servings of fruit and vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, apples, pineapples and green leafy vegetables, are recommended every day to alleviate asthma symptoms. Some sources rich in omega-3 fatty acids include nut oils, krill oil, algae, flaxseed and fish such as tuna, salmon and halibut. Hence, diet forms the first step in natural asthma treatment.

  • Homeopathy: An alternative medicine that stimulates the body’s self-healing capabilities, homeopathy uses small doses of natural substances (from plants and animals). It boosts the immune system, thus avoiding disease recurrence. Homeopathic remedy for asthma, for instance, includes the use of pollen and weeds that help asthmatics develop resistance to the allergen.
  • Yoga: A natural asthma treatment approach, yoga is based on the principle of pranayama. Pranayama teaches slow, steady breathing that not only improves fitness, but also reduces stress that is a major asthma trigger.
  • Massage therapy: Professional massage focused on specific points on the arm, neck and chest helps relieve stress and enhance lung function. Massage therapy also eliminates phlegm and congestion and reduces inflammation. Children suffering from asthma are also known to experience increased peak airflow and enhanced pulmonary capabilities with 20-minute massage every night before sleep.
  • Exercises: Light, aerobic exercises help in strengthening the lungs and stretching the bronchial tubes, which facilitate easy breathing. Exercise also helps reduce obesity, which is a major risk factor in developing asthma.

Natural asthma treatment focuses on adopting the right lifestyle and eating habits which help cure asthma effectively in the long-term. You can consult a qualified natural medicine expert to get help with treating asthma naturally, effectively and without side effects.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

How Salmon Oil Benefits Your Health

According to a report by the US Department of Agriculture’s Western Human Nutrition Research Center, San Francisco, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol increases by 10% with the consumption of high salmon diet for 20 days. Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, salmon has HDL-increasing properties. Moreover, it also offers several health benefits. To enjoy these benefits, it is important to include moderate amounts of salmon in your diet (twice a week) or take salmon oil supplements (1-3 grams/day). However, amounts greater than that may cause side effects like bleeding. Here we discuss the main benefits of salmon oil.

Health Benefits of Salmon Oil
Salmon oil is derived from salmon, a small-sized fish with relatively short life span compared to other fishes. Listed below are the main health benefits of salmon oil:

  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases and protects against heart attack. It also lowers the amount of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol in the body. According to research, anyone with high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in their body is less likely to die within an hour of a heart attack.
  • Salmon oil helps in improving the eyesight. It also protects the eyes against macular degeneration and prevents dry eyes.
  • It reduces inflammation, pain and discomfort associated with arthritis; it also reduces menstrual discomfort.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are also effective in reducing joint pain and early morning stiffness associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • A rich source of essential fatty acids, salmon oil helps reduce the symptoms of diseases, such as asthma, arthritis, atherosclerosis, psoriasis and gallstones. Children who consume salmon every day have lesser risk of developing asthma.
  • Reduces the risk of developing prostate and breast cancer. The essential fatty acids in salmon oil help reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 40% and colorectal cancer by 60%. It also reduces inflammation caused by UV rays.
  • Helps reduce the symptoms of depression.
  • It reduces the risk of memory loss and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. It also retards the degeneration of cognitive function caused by aging. Additionally, it also helps in brain development and memory.
  • It helps reduce high blood pressure.
  • It is used in medications that fight inflammatory and respiratory diseases (omega 3 fatty acids are effective in treating these diseases)
  • When taken as a supplement, dieters lose more weight than those consuming the same calories without the supplement. Salmon oil is less likely to be stored as fat, as the body utilizes it for vital functions. Essential fatty acids are associated with decreased abdominal fat and reduced body weight.
  • It helps treat diseases such as diabetes, ulcerative colitis and Raynaud’s illness.
  • The fatty acid eicosapentaenoic in salmon oil stimulates leptin production, which regulates metabolism and the body’s response to insulin.
  • Benefits of salmon oil are available to pets as well -- it helps reduce the symptoms of allergies, improve coat quality, ease arthritis pain and reduce the risk of kidney diseases.

In order to enjoy optimal benefits of salmon oil and to remain free from side effects, source your salmon oil from reputable providers. Besides, you must take them only under proper medical supervision to ensure the best results without any side effects.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Few Tips for Natural Hot Flashes Treatment

Hot flashes are experienced by 75% of the women during menopause. Menopause is a difficult time for any woman. A lot of very uncomfortable changes take place in the body during this time. Menopause is a transitional phase, where the reproductive system of a woman starts slowing down and eventually stops.

The resulting hormone imbalance due to the cessation of the production of estrogen can cause a whole host of symptoms. Out of all the symptoms, hot flashes are the most frequent and uncomfortable ones. Hot flashes treatment can be carried out through natural remedies and medications as well.

Types of Hot Flashes Treatment That Work
Before hot flashes treatment is addressed, it is important to understand what a hot flash is and what causes it. A hot flash is a sudden inexplicable feeling of warmth or heat that runs through the body. However, it is often felt more strongly in the neck and head region, and is often accompanied by rapid heartbeat and dizziness, sweating, nausea, anxiety, weakness or headache. The flash is often followed by a "flush" that leaves one red and perspiring.

A hot flash is caused primarily by hormonal imbalance. The hypothalamus is affected by the cessation of the production of estrogen. And since the hypothalamus is responsible for the regulation of body temperature, a fluctuation in its functioning causes it to perceive the body as cold and as a result it triggers a sudden increase in body temperature. This sudden flare up of the temperature is called a hot flash. Here are some natural ways to beat hot flashes:

  • Avoid Triggers: Stress is the most common trigger of a hot flash. Controlling the amount of stress one takes on can help. Hot flashes treatment involves trying to control the stress that you experience on a daily basis.
  • Dietary Precautions: Hot flashes treatment also includes avoiding certain foods and beverages that are capable of triggering off a hot flash. These include alcohol, coffee, spicy food and diet pills.
  • Natural Remedies: A major part of hot flashes treatment is natural remedies like black cohosh, yams, licorice, etc. Natural remedies are safe as there are no side effects. They are definitely a more preferred option than hormone replacement therapy.
  • Miscellaneous Tips: There some therapies that don’t involve taking medication. Some useful tips for hot flashes treatment include avoiding wools and synthetic fabrics, dressing in layers so that you can take off layers when you feel warm, avoiding turtle necks, keeping a glass of ice water within reach, lowering the temperature on your thermostat and using cotton sheets for your bed. These are just some handy tips that can keep one cool and therefore can counteract the effects of a hot flash.

Hot flashes treatment is popularly carried out with the aid of hormone replacement therapy and other allopathic treatments as well. Natural remedies and behavioral changes are also known to make a big difference without further compromising the health of the individual.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tips on Selecting Bee Pollen Supplements

A substance rich in amino acids, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids, folic acid and Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, bee pollen helps maintain optimal health and well-being. They offer several benefits, including skin and body rejuvenation, reduced stress and enhanced endurance, mental clarity, memory, concentration, libido and immunity.

Women also get relief from pre-menstrual symptoms, and men benefit from increased sperm count and prevention of prostate difficulties. Moreover, it also supposedly possesses a penicillin-like antibiotic, which restricts harmful organisms like Salmonella.

Available as pills, tablets and capsules, they also help suppress appetite, enhance energy levels and detoxify the system. They score over other weight loss supplements because they consist of only natural ingredients. Realizing the huge potential benefits of bee pollen, pharmaceutical companies have come up with bee pollen supplements that enhance users’ health and well-being.

According to Carlson Wade, an expert on bee pollen, a person could survive on 22 grams of pollen, with 30 grams (about a handful) being necessary for proper functioning. Before you begin to consume bee pollen supplements, it is important to consult your doctor.

Here are some tips on selecting bee pollen supplements:

  • Stay away from inferior-quality bee pollen providers that blend high grade pollen with cheap quality pollen and sell them at premium prices.
  • Enquire about the source of bee pollen because pollen procured from an industrial area will be low in nutrients and high in contaminants.
  • Opt for unprocessed or raw pollen granules rather than products with the outer shell removed. Some manufactures process the granules, claiming easier absorption. However, the truth is that it only destroys nutrients, as the pollen is exposed to heat and light during the process.
  • Source bee pollen supplements from your own country so that it helps you develop immunity against the pollen found in your region.
  • Ensure that the pollen that has been cooled soon after collection. Cooling ensures the perseveration of nutrients and maintenance of high pollen quality. Pollens that are cooled and stored properly are also the freshest and the most potent pollen.
  • Purchase only from manufacturers that offer 100% satisfaction guarantee. Also, make sure that the company will support you in case you have any questions or problems with your purchase. The company must also be experts in the fields of bee products and nutrition.
  • Make sure that they are free from additives and fillers, such as sucrose, silica, gluten, starch, artificial colors, flavors and dyes.
  • In the US, the best products are produced at GMAP compliant facilities that adhere to stringent quality standards, which minimize contamination risk.

The best products are sourced from the untouched unpolluted regions of the world and are guaranteed to not have any low grade stuff. They are natural, raw and unprocessed and are freeze dried to ensure preservation of nutrients and vitality associated with bee pollen supplements.